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Some Sunnyvale Awesomeness

Get Fit

Get Well

Eat Right

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I never knew anything about Cross Fit until it was explained to me, and I was pretty interested to learn more. I eventually went and looked at a bunch of testimonials, and was shocked. Big old buff workout guys who switched to Cross Fit were saying they were way stronger. People with mobility issues who could move around again. Neat stuff. Also, the woman who owns the place (Amy) is super nice, really helpful, and cool. Check them out by clicking on the logo.

Take care
of the 
little ones

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So I have to tell y'all, I grew up in a family full of physicians, and they all had some bad opinion of chiropractic care. Oddly, they all thought highly of physical therapists. Well, it was pointed out to me about a decade ago that chiropractors are LIKE physical therapists, only with a hell of a lot more training.


I still didn't believe. Then finally an orthopedic surgeon I know, and a physical therapist I know sent me to one. BOOM! Better instantly, and MUCH better after a few months.


This guy (Asa) is such a good guy that he puts video after video after video on his site explaining to people how to get better and feel better, so you won't have to see him. You know he's doing his best for you if he's giving away years of hard-earned knowledge to help you keep from having to see him.


If the videos don't help, go see him,. You'll be glad you did. Click his logo above to learn more than you can imagine.

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So the first thing you'll notice about Nutrition Hub is that everybody walking out of there is really fit. Like it's a fashion show. The second thing you'll notice is that they are all carrying something that looks like dessert. Weird huh?


Well, apparently part of WHY they're fit is that they drink these dessert-looking things.


It's a really cool store, in a really cool office building, that also has curbside service.


If you can get your nutrition in something that feels like you're cheating, why the hell not?

There's very little in a child's life that sucks worse than going to the doctor. Let's be honest about that. I work with a bunch of pediatricians and the looks on these kids' faces when they're in the elevator is nuts. They're scared.


Well, no worries there. A good pediatrician is part physician, part psychologist, part friend, part entertainer.


The people at Plum Pediatrics are smart, compassionate, understanding, and cool.


And that's why you can take your little ones there and feel good about it.

The services and/or products mentioned here, and/or sold by Rapid Recovery, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program. References to therapies are for marketing purposes only and do not guarantee results. Following an initial assessment, Rapid Recovery may find some individuals unsuitable for IV therapy and/or injections.

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