Frequently Asked Questions
What's the process like?
This video does a pretty good job of explaining the Rapid Recovery Experience.
Is IV Therapy in this setting safe?
You're about to have someone stick a needle in your vein and put things into your bloodstream. This isn't a happy-go-lucky oxygen bar that serves cocktails, this is serious, and we take it seriously. Our doctor treats patients in Intensive Care Units 5 days a week. Our nurses all have tremendous amounts of education and experience. We seem fun, and we seem casual, but we're very serious about this.
We take your BP because we don't want it going up (which it can with fluids) too much if it's already high, or if it's already low, dropping (which can happen with certain meds we occasionally infuse) too much. We take your heart rate because we want to make sure you're not going to go into tachycardia (very rapid heart rate). We ask a lot of questions about your medical history because there are past or current conditions which may make an IV unsafe. We ask a lot of questions about allergies because we don't want you have an allergic reaction. We ask a lot of questions about the medicines you take because we don't want there to be a bad reaction between something you're taking and something you're getting. We don't treat people who have done this, that, or the other. Why? Because WE are as concerned about safety as you are.
If you're honest with us when we do your brief physical and medical history, and you listen to us regarding caring for your infusion site (needle stick) afterwards, it's perfectly safe.
Should we tip our nurse if we're happy with our service?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Our nurses are very well paid to treat each and every patient with the exact same excellent level of service. You pay us well for great service and our company policy is that we do not allow anyone on the staff to accept extra payments or tips in any form.
How long will it take?
Well, your first time you'll need to fill out some new patient information in addition to having your vitals checked, so it'll take a bit longer than your subsequent visits, but after your first visit it'll take between 45 minutes and an hour and fifteen minutes depending on how quickly your body takes in the fluids.
Do you give IV treatments to children?
In some cases, with parental consent, we will. The parent/Guardian MUST be present for the entire treatment.
The decision to treat a minor is made on a case by case basis with careful consideration of the patient's previous IV experience, their size, their allergy history, and the opinion of their pediatrician. In general we don't treat any child who is under 14 or under 100 pounds, even with parental consent, unless a specific request comes from their currently treating pediatrician.
We treat pediatric cancer patients free of charge, with a note from their current oncologist or pediatrician.
How soon will I feel the effects of my IV treatment?
This of course depends on how dehydrated, exhausted, or sick you are, but though some patients feel better almost immediately (within ten minutes), generally about a half an hour is standard for relief.
I've heard it feels cold going into your veins. Is that right?
The Ringer's Lactate (fluids) in our IVs is stored at room temperature, approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Your internal body temp is approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, so the cool sensation you feel is due to that temperature difference. It's harmless and safe.
If you want a heated blanket (yes we have those), just ask your nurse.
I got medicine from (my doctor, a pharmacy, a friend, the internet). Can you infuse it for me?
This question really hurts to answer because we know if you went to the trouble to get something, you probably really need it, or at least really want it. The problem for us is that we don't know if the medicine was shipped properly, stored properly, or if it's even what it's supposed to be. If we infuse something you bought on the internet and it turns out to have been a scam, we could seriously injure you and lose our licenses. Everything we put into someone comes directly from a licensed reputable U.S. pharmacy, straight to us. We will be glad to help you find someone or help you in other ways, but we can't infuse anything we haven't had from start to finish.
If you want us to get you something that's safe, that Dr. Shaik approves of, and that your currently treating physician says you can have, let us know and we'll contact a pharmacy and see about doing a special IV treatment for you.
I don't see a place to sign up for a membership. Do you offer memberships, and if not, why not?
This may just be a personal bias, but we don't currently offer memberships. The real reason is probably because we once joined a massage spa on a $59 monthly membership and only went once in 10 months. That was a $590 massage. We've also joined gyms and forgotten to go... for a year.
Getting an IV is generally a "whoops" moment. "Whoops I got the flu", "whoops I drank too much", or "whoops I ran a 10k and didn't stay hydrated." It's rare that getting an IV is a routine deal. Maybe if you travel a bunch for work or work in the oilfield or something like that. In those cases we make sure you get a nice discount for being a "frequent flyer" because we want to reward you for your loyalty, but we don't want you to feel obligated to come see us. The LAST thing we want is to show up on your credit card statement every month for 4 months when you haven't seen us, and leave a bad taste in your mouth for us. We'll take care of making sure you get a discount for coming regularly, but we aren't going to guilt you into coming by making sure you're paying for it either way.
We DO offer a Loyalty Program, whereby you earn points for every dollar you spend with us, and eventually those points turn into discounts or free treatments. Seems like a more fair way to reward our regulars, in our opinion.
Are you really open 24/7/365?
Well, yes and no. That's a pretty long explanation so we'll just leave this video here for you to watch, and it'll save you a bunch of reading and us a bunch of typing.
Do you treat pregnant women?
That's another yes and no answer. First, we don't treat anyone who is pregnant without very specific orders and instructions from their current Obstetrician. Pregnancy is a tricky thing, from gestational diabetes to higher blood pressure, and anything that goes into your veins makes its way to your baby. ALWAYS better safe than sorry with pregnancy.
Secondly, we don't ever treat pregnant people with Zofran. Some studies say it's fine. Some studies say treatment with Zofran leads to greater risk of birth defects. We've spoken with OB/Gyns who say it's safe in small amounts, some who say it's okay after 14 weeks, and some who say "never". Some IV therapy centers do treat pregnant women with Zofran. One of our owners is a former neonatal therapist who is especially cautious about pregnancy and infants, and there just isn't a good consensus in the medical community, so until there's something out that's completely safe and virtually everyone agrees on it, we can't do it.
Lastly, magnesium is known to lower blood pressure, and may lower heart rate in some patients. If it's going to lower it in you, it's likely to do the same thing to your baby. We don't give magnesium or Zofran to pregnant women even if their OB says it's fine.
Why do I have to fill out all these forms before I can get an IV?
This is the most confusing question we get. You're about to let someone infuse medicine into your bloodstream. What if you get something that you're allergic to because we didn't ask? What if we didn't ask about the medicines you take and one of the things you take interacted with your IV? We ask a lot of questions, and we give you a brief physical, not because we want to waste time, because we want to keep you safe.
Do you take insurance?
Nope. Insurance companies require pre-certifications, and referrals, and half the time those take two or three days (if they come at all), and if you need help now (which pretty much everyone who shows up for an IV does), we'd have to treat you and then pray the insurance company came through, which they never do. With the way co-pays and deductibles work these days, you'll probably pay less without giving us an insurance card than you would if you did. We take cash, credit/debit cards, and HSA/FSA cards.
How often can I get an IV treatment?
Slow down cowpoke. The question should be "how often is it SAFE to get a treatment?"
It depends on what you get, how much you weigh, your fitness level, and a bunch of other factors, but in general there's no good reason to see us more than once a week unless you're in great shape and work outdoors and just need plain old fluids.
We'll certainly let you know how often it's safe for you to come, what it's safe for you to get, and if we shouldn't see you for a while.
Are you open on holidays?
That kind of goes back to the "yes and no" answer to the "are you really open 24/7" question. People get sick on holidays too, so sure enough we answer the phones 24/7/365. We have a pool of nurses who take calls, so if it's Christmas or Memorial Day or Easter and you feel like you need us, give us a call and we'll work hard to see if one of our nurses can come in and help you Feel Better Faster.
Do you infuse Ketamine, are you considering it, and if not, why not?
No we don't, and no we aren't. Why? Well, several reasons, but first and foremost is that we (meaning the medical community) just don't know enough about it. Ketamine isn't Advil, or vitamins, or even Prozac, it's a serious anesthetic. SERIOUS. Though there's plenty of reading about it which we'll link here, about all you need to know is the first sentence from Wikipedia:
"Ketamine is a medication mainly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief, sedation, and memory loss."
It's anesthesia. That induces memory loss. A lot of people nationwide are using it for depression or pain-relief, or any number of other things, but there's a reason they have to have crash carts sitting around when you get it. IV Ketamine clinics are popping up all over the country and they're highly profitable, but you know what we like more than vacation homes and boats? Our patients. We're sure there are people doing these infusions safely, but there's just too much risk, from cardiac distress to pulmonary insufficiency to potential addiction and more, and not enough good science about why it should be used and how it can be used safely, in it for our taste.
If you want to read more, from the real experts, check out THIS LINK from the American Psychiatric Association.
Do you have a "cleanse" or "detox" IV package?
We aren't anti-fun by any stretch of the imagination, as a matter of fact we opened because one of our owners ended up with a massive hangover in Vegas and got sent by his casino host to an IV spa. After feeling 10000% better and heading back to the tables, and ordering a drink, he came straight home and started working on opening Rapid Recovery. That said, too much alcohol is stupid, but it's legal. Everybody loses track of the old drink count every so often. Not everybody decides to do something illegal and try to sneak it past a drug test. We probably could come up with something for that, but we aren't going to because we're medical professionals who are here to make people feel better, not help them make decisions that are (a) bad for them, and (b) illegal.
Do you offer an iron infusion?
We don't, for several reasons.
For starters, most people who think they need an iron infusion, really don't. Anemia can be caused by several factors, low iron not always being one. Lots of people may have had iron-deficiency anemia a year ago, are feeling sluggish, and think they have low iron levels now. That's not always right.
Secondly, a LOT of bloodwork and physician consultation is required to safely give an iron infusion, and some last for an extended period of time. Hours and hours. That's something that is done in the safest manner in a hospital-based infusion center. If you think you need an iron infusion we'll be happy to help you find a safe, hospital environment where you can get one.
In the meantime, we were interviewed about iron infusions for a national publication that wrote a very comprehensive piece on getting iron, and you can read it HERE.
If you're taking an oral iron supplement, it might be a good idea to read THIS ARTICLE from the National Institute of Health concerning the added benefit of taking Vitamin C with it. Though it's about women specifically, the physiology of men and women isn't enough different that it wouldn't benefit both.
What are your infection control procedures like?
They're WAY stronger than the regulations require. You'll spot that immediately. Here's just a sample of some of the things we do to keep you safe:
Information about IVs
Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Medicines in Rapid Recovery's IV Treatments and Injections
1) Ringer's Lactate. All of our bags start with a base of 1L of Ringer's Lactate (also called a "balanced bag"), which contains: Calcium chloride, Potassium chloride, Sodium chloride, and Socium lactate.
2) Multi-vitamin. Our multi-vitamin (Infuvite by Baxter) contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamine B3, Dexpanethol (a B vitamin), Vitamin E, Vitamin K1, Biotin, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12.
Multi-vitamin is used in The Lagniappe, The Rockstar, The Immune Tune, Gastro Relief, and The Game Changer.
3) Thiamine. Also known as B1. Though in our multi-vitamin in small amounts, in some packages we add extra B1.
Additional Thiamine is added to The Lagniappe, The Rockstar, Gastro Relief, and Migraine Relief.
4) Magnesium. Known to ease muscle cramps and tightness, magnesium is essential for proper function of the heart, nerves, and muscles, in addition to being important to cells and bones.
Magnesium is added to The Lagniappe, The Rockstar, The Game Changer, Migraine Relief, and Gastro Relief.
5) Vitamin C. Critical to your immune system and ability to fight off colds and the flu.
Additional Vitamin C is added to The Fresh Squeeze and The Immune Tune.
6) Folic Acid. Also known as B9, folic acid is an essential vitamin which the body uses for cellular division and to combat anemia. Folate deficiency occurs with age, and can be combated by a diet rich in green leafy vegetables. Critical to good health.
Folic Acid is added to The Lagniappe, The Rockstar, Migraine Relief, Gastro Relief, and The Game Changer.
7) Glutathione. A powerful anti-oxidant, glutathione is thought to promote cellular health by preventing damage due to free radicals, peroxides, and heavy metals.
Glutathione is added to The Immune Tune and the Glutathione Package.
8) Famotidine. A peptic agent that treats stomach acid, ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, and assists with nausea control.
Famotidine is used in The Gastro Relief package.
9) Ketorolac. The generic of brand name Toradol, Ketorolac is a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat aches, pains, and headaches.
Ketorolac is added to The Rockstar and Migraine Relief.
10) Ondansetron. The generic form of brand name Zofran, Ondansetron is an anti-nausea which unlike other popular anti-nausea meds does not cause drowsiness.
Ondansetron is added to The Rockstar, Migraine Relief, and Gastro Relief.
11) Triamino/Biamino/Amino Blend. Often referred to as OAC, Triamino is a blend of three strong amino acids (Ornithine, Arginine, and Citroline) which increase metabolic rate and assist in muscular repair after athletic activity. Amino Blend is essentially Triamino with added Lysine.
Triamino is used in the Triamino Package.
12) Zinc. A trace mineral that is known to shorten the length of the common cold and other viral infections, zinc is included in our Immune Tune.
13) Vitamin D. Great for the immune system, and critical for the absorption of calcium. Vitamin Ds is an injection given separate from IV therapy.
Hydration and the effects of dehydration on the body
First and foremost, you already know that your body is 60% water. Did you know though that your brain is approximately 73% water? Literally 3/4s of your brain is water. What happens when you're dehydrated? Does your body know to keep all the important stuff hydrated and just take the water out of your feet and the backs of your knees while leaving plenty in your liver and brain? Try to drain a swimming pool and see if it only comes out of one side. When you're dehydrated, you're lacking everywhere. Imagine the loss of function, the inefficiency, and the damage you're doing when you aren't hydrated.
You can drink water or "ade" drinks, but can you drink them quickly enough to help, and even if you can, how much is absorbed and how much is passed through as urination?
We'll link some excellent studies below, but ask yourself this: Have you ever been in a hospital ER and heard a doctor yell "Nurse, get this man a half dozen Gatorades, STAT"? Doubtful. "A liter of IV fluids" is probably the thing you hear most in an urgent care situation.
There's a reason dehydration is treated by IV and not by the gallon. Quicker absorption, better percentage of absorption, much more effective and efficient.
Vitamin Deficiency
You know vitamins are important. You eat a salad, you try to work fish in as often as possible, going with healthy snacks instead of cupcakes, and you're on top of it. Let's face it, if you didn't care about your health you wouldn't be on this site.
Even so, it may shock you to learn that 92% of Americans are deficient in some critical vitamin or other (*). What your deficiency is will depend greatly on your age, race, diet, and other factors, but it's a safe bet that you're in the 9 out of 10 who are missing something. The CDC has some great info which we linked below that shows who's likely to be lacking what.
So do you really need to be at 100%, or is 50% good enough?
Some people will tell you that nutrients in your body are like gasoline in a vehicle. If you've got 1/4 tank of gas in your car it's going to run just like it does when you've got a full tank. You just don't want to run out, because if you do, well it dies. The difference is, there's no performance difference in driving with a 1/4 of a tank and 7/8 of a tank.
We don't buy the "gas/car" analogy. We see vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes in your body as more like oil in a vehicle. Sure, your car will run with 2 quarts of oil instead of the four it's supposed to have, but does it run as well? Not a chance. Not only does it not run as well, driving a few quarts low does damage to your car that you can't see. So, what do you think is going on in your body when you're low on vitamins and other critical elements? Your body doesn't run as well, and you're doing damage to it that you don't know about until the "check engine" light comes on. Unfortunately the "check engine" light in your body probably involves a trip to a hospital.
* CDC STUDY showing 92% of American to be deficient in at least one critical vitamin.
Vitamin and Nutrient Absorption
Why not just take one of those "Vitamin a Day" gummies you can buy in the store, or a supplement, with food? Ever wonder why with food? For one thing they upset your stomach because they're massive doses of vitamins and minerals so they can make sure you get some of what you want. Wait, what? Yes. Studies show that only just more than half of
what you swallow makes it into your bloodstream, even if you've got the dead right pill and take it at the dead right time(*). Secondly, the acid in your stomach that's churning when you eat helps break down the pills and allows some of the wanted ingredient to get into the blood stream
Sometimes the pills don't break down effectively and you absorb about 3% of the actual vitamin or supplement you've taken.
There are far too many vitamins, meds, and supplements, and associated consumption factors, to paint all oral absorption with a broad brush, but suffice it to say you're swallowing it but there's a good chance you aren't absorbing it.
It probably seems obvious because it's going straight into your bloodstream, but nearly 100% of the vitamin/supplement you're receiving through your IV is being absorbed by your body(**). There's a study out there that says only 98% of IV vitamins are absorbed. "Just" 98%. Still beats 3%... or even 50.
And that goes for...
meds, electrolytes, and aminos too. Putting something directly into your bloodstream provides much quicker, much more efficient delivery to your body than swallowing it into your stomach and expecting it to work its way through your GI tract.
* National Institutes of Health (part of the Department of Health and Human Services) STUDY discussing the absorption of oral vitamins.
** World Health Organization (W.H.O.) research showing IV nutrients "nearly 100% bioavailable" versus poor nutrient absorption if taken orally.